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230v wall controller 1 spst relay ntc probe

Brand: Ako

Reference: AKO-D14610

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  • In stock. Immediate shipment.
    Taxes included


AKO-D14610 is a 230v wall controller with 1 ntc probe relay Thermostats with alarm relay: In addition to the control relay, they incorporate an alarm relay


More information

The Darwin range of controllers is especially suitable for the management of refrigeration equipment,

murals, islands, showcases, electrical panels, etc.

There is a wide range of models to offer the best solution for each application.

The MURAL models have been specially designed with a quick, intuitive menu system, with which the

user will feel more comfortable and their navigation has been designed following the trends of mobile telephony or

remote controls, thus allowing quick assimilation of functions.

They are also equipped with protection of the parameters by means of a password to enter programming and the

The existence of hot keys (HOT KEYS) allows quick and easy access to the most important functions.


Temperature displays in hot and cold applications, with indication in ºC or ºF selectable by

program, the information displayed on the high-brightness screen has been grouped according to functionality. A

The first larger display shows the temperature and operating messages. In a second

display shows the signaling icons of the different outputs.

The parameters have been categorized by names and grouped by functions; They have several presets in memory, depending on the application, for a faster start-up.

Comments (3)

| 12/11/2023 | Verified purchase
230v wall controller 1 spst relay ntc probe

Llego estupendamente y además la atención telefónica fue magnífica . Muy contenta

Store response | 15/11/2023

Muchas gracias

| 05/10/2022
230v wall controller 1 spst relay ntc probe

Hola tengo este termostato simplemente para que ponga en marcha una turbina y renueve el aire de una fosa de escayola durante el verano en horario diurno hay alguna configuración apropiada

Store response | 05/10/2022

Para esta consulta , debe dirigirse a la empresa Ako directamente. Gracias

| 20/12/2021 | Verified purchase
230v wall controller 1 spst relay ntc probe

Buen producto. Ya lo conocia. Entrega muy rápida

How do reviews and ratings work?

The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (4)


Buenas , me aparece el símbolo de apagado , le doy al botón y sigue igual.¿ Que le puede haber pasado?

Store response | 20/02/2024

Para este tipo de consultas, debe ponerse en contacto con la firma Ako.



ako-14610 tenía este termostato pero ahora está quemado... ahora quiero comprar el mismo como este

Store response | 08/06/2023

Este es el AKO-14610, lo puede  comprar, está en stcok en este momento.



Tenemos un modelo distinto, quemado, el 14810. ¿Se puede sustituir por éste, el 14610?

Store response | 04/04/2023

He consultado a Ako y no tienen equivalente par el ako 14810 que es específicopara energia solar

Store response | 04/04/2023

He consultado a Ako y no tienen equivalente par el ako 14810 que es específicopara energia solar

Store response | 04/04/2023

He consultado a Ako y no tienen equivalente par el ako 14810 que es específicopara energia solar

See all questions

Tengo este termostato y hace unos días esta intermitente y sale la temperatura y AU es qe funciona o pasa algo???

Store response | 16/09/2022

Este termostato se lo hemos vendido nosotros?


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