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4008321383891 osram germicidas puritec hns se 7w 2g7

Brand: Osram lighting

Reference: 4008321383891

  • Quantity
  • Only 8 left in stock
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Puritec lamp for disinfection S E 7w


More information

Product benefits

Effective and environmentally friendly disinfection without chemical substances

Low mercury content

Long useful life thanks to the specific coating

No ozone

Application areas

Efficient disinfection of air, water and surfaces

Safety instructions

PURITEC germicidal lamps emit high-intensity UV radiation that can cause sunburn and conjunctivitis. The skin and eyes must therefore not be exposed to direct or reflected unfiltered radiation.

Comments (5)

| 23/06/2024 | Verified purchase
4008321383891 osram germicidas puritec hns se 7w 2g7

Llegó muy rápido y salió todo perfecto.

| 08/03/2024 | Verified purchase
4008321383891 osram germicidas puritec hns se 7w 2g7

Entrega um dia antes da data prevista, em excelente condição. Obrigada

Store response | 12/03/2024


| 02/06/2023 | Verified purchase
4008321383891 osram germicidas puritec hns se 7w 2g7

O produto estava perfeito, mas o tempo de espera foi um aspeto muito negativo! No entanto, recomendo AleaLuz .

Store response | 08/06/2023

Gracias por tu comentario, a veces el plazo de entrega no depende de nosotros, los fabricantes tienen probelmas con la entrega de algún tipo de material

| 19/08/2022 | Verified purchase
4008321383891 osram germicidas puritec hns se 7w 2g7

Muito satisfeito com o produto e com o atendimento dos funcionários , muito rápida a entrega .

| 05/08/2022 | Verified purchase
4008321383891 osram germicidas puritec hns se 7w 2g7

Não utilizei, porque a máquina onde iriam ser colocadas avariou, mas o Serviço pós-venda é espectacular!!

How do reviews and ratings work?

The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Precisava de confirmar só o tamanho da lâmpada uv de 4 pinos de 18w. A que me fundiu tem 31 cm. Obrigado

Store response | 21/02/2024

descatalogado, saludos


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