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Led lamp par56 20w 12vac 6500k ip68

Brand: Duralamp

Reference: 12PAR56CWGL

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20w 12v led par56 lamp cold light 6500k for SWIMMING POOL


Color temperature:
6500k-very cold light
Energy efficiency:


More information

Maximum depth: 1 m max. Recommended minimum depth 45 cm. Usable in existing installations to replace the traditional PAR 56.

Crystal body.

Material resistant to chlorine and pool additives.

For swimming pools, fountains or outdoor applications.

Comments (3)

| 29/05/2024 | Verified purchase
Led lamp par56 20w 12vac 6500k ip68

Os meus parabéns, serviço eficiente, rápido e bom preço. Os artigos chegaram em excelentes condições.

| 17/05/2022 | Verified purchase
Led lamp par56 20w 12vac 6500k ip68

Conforme à la demande bien

| 30/07/2021 | Verified purchase
Led lamp par56 20w 12vac 6500k ip68

Volveré a comprar por precio y rapidez en la entrega

Store response | 30/07/2021

Gracias Juan Carlos !!!!

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (6)


Têm esta lâmpada led PAR 56 white warm referência LumiPlus V1 67515? Preciso de 3 lâmpadas com urgência. Obrigado! Cumprimentos, Jorge Costa

Store response | 18/04/2024

Qual as dimensões?

Store response | 15/11/2023

dimensiones 177x102


Queria saber se vende uma lâmpada 18w rgb 120o ac12v tipo Aqua par56 sff. Obrigado

Store response | 18/07/2023

la que tenemos  es de 20w RGB  12v  , la que usted indica no es RGb

See all questions

Quantos lumens tem a lâmpada PAR 56 led 20w? Obrigado

Store response | 20/03/2023

Tiene 1850 lumens. Saludos


Hello, Do you also propose the joint that goes at the back of the light bulb ? Thanks

Store response | 12/07/2022

just the bulb


bonjour quel est le diamètre de l'ampoule ? cdt

Store response | 02/06/2022

177 diametro


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