More informationRANGE FROM -50 ºC TO +150 ºC, PANEL MOUNTING Temperature display selectable by program Application: Industrial and commercial cold, showcases, incubators, vehicles, etc. This type of thermometer is suitable for installations that do not require a metrological control. Temperature displays in ºC or ºF with decimal point. Program-selectable NTC / PTC probe. They allow probe calibration. A single key to adjust parameters. The AKO-14023-C model integrates RS-485 communication.
hola, actualmente tengo el modelo AKO-D14602 que se ha estropeado y no tenéis stock para reponerlo. NESESITO UN MODELO DE SUPERFICIE para sustituirlo. ¿que me recomendais?, solo es para saber la temperatura del termo y la sonda la tiene
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